Thursday, February 26, 2009

Caffeine May Kill Some Cancer Cells

I’ve got to admit, keeping up with a daily blog post is harder than I originally expected. I feel like I am reading more on a daily basis than at any other time in my life. Since I have failed to relay any of the more interesting things as of late, here’s my attempt at filling the void.

Source: Caffeine May Kill Some Cancer Cells by Andrea Thompson.

A cup of joe a day may help keep skin cancer away: A new study shows that caffeine helps kill off human cells damaged by ultraviolet light, one of the key triggers of several types of skin cancer.

Several studies have shown that people who regularly drink coffee or tea seem to have lower incidences of nonmelanoma skin cancers. One recent study of more than 90,000 Caucasian women found that with each additional cup of caffeinated coffee consumed, there was an associated 5 percent decreased risk of developing one of these skin cancers (decaf coffee had no effect).
The researchers go onto say:

"We are by no means recommending that people change their beverage habits," Nghiem said. It would take regularly drinking six cups of coffee a day to decrease the risk of incidence by just 30 percent, and tea has only half the potency of coffee, he added.
Interesting stuff...


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