Saturday, January 17, 2009

Obama plans to keep his BlackBerry (Who bloody cares?)

Seriously, how many times does this story have to be reported on? In the last two weeks there have been countless reports about Obama and his Blackberry.

From Computer World: Obama plans to keep his BlackBerry:
January 16, 2009 (Computerworld) President-elect Barack Obama told CNN today he planned to "hang onto" his beloved BlackBerry, but did not explain how he would
overcome legal and security concerns.

First, this isn't news. Second, its 2009, who doesn't have a Smartphone? The man just wants to stay connected. Logical dictates that if everyday people need to stay connected for work, wouldn't it be important that the US President have the same capacity? Really there’s quite an easy workaround: Call the boys over at RIM, and tell them you want a custom berry for you and your entire staff. Since you have dolled out endless promo the past two weeks I’m sure they will bend over backwards to accommodate. You can then get a quick lesson on some of the tech solutions available to the commercial market that help assist in protecting valuable information. Two that pop into my head are finger print biometrics, and remote shutdown and delete. Both would be more than sufficient, and are being used to protect m-commerce ready phones world-wide. Bottom line, if someone really wants at you in today’s connected world, there’s always a way. No one knows this better than the US Gov't. That’s why they have the best backup solution...hired muscle.

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